Do you want to improve your credit rating in order to have better chances and conditions when taking out a loan? Then you’ve come to the right place. Here you will not only find valuable information and tips on improving your credit rating, but also professional support to restore your creditworthiness. Take the first step towards top creditworthiness – we’ll show you how!
Understanding credit checks: Basics and process
How does the bank check creditworthiness?
The credit check is a decisive factor when it comes to granting loans. Banks and credit institutions use them to minimize the risk of credit default. But how exactly does this test work? First of all, banks collect information about your financial situation, your income, existing debts and your payment history. This data is then analyzed to assess your creditworthiness and eligibility. A central component of the check in Switzerland is the inclusion of creditworthiness registers such as the ZEK (Central Office for Credit Information), which provides information on creditworthiness data, previous borrowing and your payment history.
The role of ZEK and other creditworthiness registers in Switzerland
In Switzerland, credit rating registers play an important role in the assessment of creditworthiness and therefore also in the granting of loans. The ZEK is particularly relevant here. It stores data on loans, leasing contracts and credit cards of individuals and companies and then assigns a creditworthiness code ( ZEK codes ). However, other registers, such as the debt collection register, are also included in the assessment. These registers provide information on outstanding debts and debt collection, which has a direct influence on your creditworthiness. Gaining knowledge of the information stored in these databases is the first step towards working specifically on improving your creditworthiness.
Strategies to improve your credit rating
How can you improve your credit rating in Switzerland?
Improving your credit rating is a process that requires patience and targeted measures. Here are some effective strategies you can use:
- Regularly check your credit reports: Errors in your credit reports can negatively affect your credit rating. Check your entries in the credit rating registers regularly and apply to have any discrepancies corrected.
- Punctual payments: Delayed or outstanding payments have a negative impact on your credit rating. Make sure that bills and loan installments are always paid on time – so be a reliable payer and avoid reminders!
- Reduction of existing debt: High debt levels can be a sign of financial instability. Work on reducing your debts to improve your credit rating. By law, it is not possible to grant a loan if this would lead to over-indebtedness.
- Avoid new debts: Before you take out new loans, check whether this is absolutely necessary. Any new credit obligation can affect your credit rating.
- Take out a loan together as a couple: If you take out a loan together with your spouse spouse, this can be affected by the additional income of the second borrower can also have a positive impact on your overall creditworthiness and therefore your loan conditions.
Clean up your credit rating: steps to a clean credit history
A clean credit history is crucial for a good credit rating. Follow these steps to clean up your credit rating:
- Obtaining your credit report: Start by requesting a complete overview of your stored data from the ZEK and other relevant agencies.
- Identification of problem areas: Search for incorrect entries, outdated information or unjustified debt collections and highlight them.
- Correction and deletion: Contact the relevant departments to have errors corrected or unjustified entries deleted.
How long does a bad credit rating stay in Switzerland?
In Switzerland, entries about payment defaults sometimes remain visible in the debt collection register or at the ZEK for several years, even after the debt has been settled. It is important to obtain information directly from the relevant registers about the exact retention periods and to apply for the entries to be deleted as soon as this is possible once the debts have been cleared. The exact retention periods can be found here at the ZEK.
Delete bad credit rating: Dealing with negative entries
Clearing negative entries in your credit history can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. Here are a few tips:
- Negotiating with creditors: In some cases, you may be able to negotiate with your creditors to get entries deleted, especially if you can settle the outstanding amounts.
- Use of limitation periods: Find out about the limitation periods for debts in Switzerland. After these deadlines have expired, you can request the deletion of outdated entries.
These strategies are a first step towards improving your credit rating and achieving financial stability. With the right approach and professional support from us, you can significantly improve your creditworthiness.
Improve your credit rating with
Professional support with credit rating adjustment
At, we understand that the process of improving your credit rating can be complex and sometimes overwhelming. That’s why we offer you professional support to effectively clean up and improve your credit rating. Our service includes:
- Individual advice: Every financial situation is unique. Our experts offer you tailor-made advice to develop the best strategy for improving your credit rating.
- Support in correcting errors: We help you to identify errors in your credit reports and support you in correcting these errors with the relevant authorities.
- Debt reduction advice: Our advisors will give you practical tips on how to effectively reduce and manage your debt to improve your credit rating.
Contact and individual advice
The first step towards a better credit rating starts with a conversation. Contact us directly via our dedicated contact form or send us an e-mail to to arrange a personal consultation. In this meeting, we will analyze your current financial situation and develop an individual plan to improve your credit rating. Our aim is not only to help you achieve a better credit rating, but also to help you achieve sustainable financial health and stability.
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Practical tips and common mistakes
Optimize your payment behavior: The key to a better credit rating
A good payment history is crucial for improving your credit rating. You should observe the following tips:
- Set up automatic payments: Automate the payment of your bills and loan installments to avoid delays.
- Budget planning: Create a monthly budget to keep an eye on your everyday expenses and meet payment obligations on time.
What worsens the credit rating? Avoid these pitfalls
To avoid jeopardizing your credit rating unnecessarily, you should avoid the following mistakes:
- Too many credit requests: Every credit application with a bank can have a negative impact on your credit rating in the short term. You should therefore only apply for a loan from a credit institution if it is really necessary.
- High credit card debt: High debts on your credit cards have a negative impact on your credit rating. Try to minimize these.
- Payment delays and defaults: Non-payment or late payment of invoices, loans and leasing installments.
- High debt: A high level of existing debt in relation to your income.
- Debt collection and seizures: Entries about debt collection and seizures in the official registers are a no-go for most lenders. A loan despite debt collection is extremely rare and difficult to obtain.
Conclusion: The path to a better financial future
Improving your credit rating is an important step on the way to financial freedom and stability. By understanding the basics, applying effective strategies to improve your credit rating and avoiding common mistakes, you can improve your financial situation in the long term. At, we provide you with professional advice and support to help you along the way. Contact us to improve your credit rating professionally!